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Florists Apron for the Garden

5 Things Every Florist’s Apron Needs

Not Every Florist’s Apron is Created Equal

There are a lot of poor quality florist’s aprons out there in the market, and when arranging flowers in a shop or in the field, the flower trade can be demanding: dirt, water, coffee ;). A high quality apron can be a decent investment, and you want it to last, protect your clothing and most of all make your duties easy by having what you need easily accessible. There are 3 main florist apron attributes you should always have:

  • A crossback apron strap configuration – the crossback straps distribute weight across your back, and this can be important for long days in the shop or garden.
  • Ample pockets for phone, tools and more – some aprons have a single pocket, which ends up geing a junk drop for phones, keys, tools, etc. Aprons with several pockets should be a goal.
  • Material – Linen or Waxed Canvas Aprons – this is really a preference, depending on the type of work you do.

florist apron with pockets and cross back straps
Cross back apron straps take strain of the neck and shoulders

Here are more of our apron requirements that every florist or flower arranger should use when shopping for that shop apron that will provide years of use, and look stylish:

  • A good florists apron material is waxed canvas. It has to be of significant weight material (they call it heavy), and treated so it shuns water.
  • Linen aprons are fun and fashionable, but beware of cheap, thin linen.
  • There should be ample apron pocket space, and they need to be arranged well: a place for snips, scissors, tools and your phone!
  • Main pockets should be double stitched for strength and durability in the florist’s apron.
  • There should be a towel holder on the apron for a quick drying of hands or rapid cleanup.
  • Smock Straps should cross in the back to distribute the load and be comfortable.
  • It should be easily adjustable.

A good florist/garden apron will cost you between $50 and $80, and you get what you pay for! We offer an affordable, high quality florist’s apron that will last years and the best part is, its what we wear on the farm and while arranging!

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