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Best Gifts For Any Gardener As Summer Ends

As the leaves begin to fall, the weather turn colder and our garden goes brown, there are still some great gardening gift ideas for the gardener in your life. First off, its maintenance time, so we need to clean up our garden. Prune and cut back, dig up and get ready to plant our fall bulbs. Here is a short list of great gardening and housewarming gifts for men and women alike:

  1. Quality Pruners – When Pruning back our bushes and perennials, nothing is valued more than a great set of garden pruners. The best garden pruners are made of stainless steel with aluminum handles, and are sharp and light. This is on the top of our “Gardening Gifts” list
  2. Hori Hori – the Hori Hori Garden Tool is a must as we move into fall. We Use it to dig, divide, cut roots and weed during the fall season. It is handy, and makes gardening more enjoyable.
  3. Bulb Planter – As we start to plant our tulips, hyacinth and daffodils, a bulb planter/dibbler is our best friend. This hardwood planting tool looks great, and making planting bulbs a breeze.
  4. Fall Flower Bulbs – One of the best things about fall is the planting of fall flower bulbs. As we plant, the anticipation of what we will see in spring is invigorating.
  5. Garden Sharpener SetSharpening garden tools without the right sharpener is painful at best, and a sharpener set is one of the top gardening gift ideas. As the seasons end, it is a required task to sharpen and oil your tools to have them ready in Spring.
  6. Copper Garden Markers – If you are like me, you forget where you planted certain varieties. Never forget again by using copper garden markers to identify what lies beneath!
Fall Gardening Gift Ideas
Bulbs are a great fall gardening gift.

This is just a quick set of fall gardening gift ideas, and gardening gift items we have seen over and over. They will provide great utility and joy in the Fall gardening months. Shop our store for more great gardening gift ideas.

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