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Our Lavender Farm

March 24, 2020

Growing Lavender

We have always wanted a large lavender field on our property, for the visual aesthetics of course, but also to provide an endless supply of the flower we love. This past fall, we dove in and prepared one of our fields for growing rows of lavender. This small lavender farm was planted with two varieties:

  • Grosso Lavender
  • Provence Lavender
Lavender Farm in Sacramento Loomis California

Lavender Farm

These varieties are the best multi-use lavender plants, and both have long, beautiful spikes and the strong lavandin scent. Initially, we plan on harvesting and drying for lavender sachets, wants and bouquets, but I really want to get into oil making. Stay tuned for more on the growth and progress by following us here or on Instagram.

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